Barranco Engagement Session | Riva & CarloMagno
They say that when you leave your comfort zone and "get lost", you find yourself... and sometimes, you find that someone who gets you.
Riva, like many of our gringa friends and I, moved to Peru several years ago in search of a new life. And just like all of us, we found love unexpectedly with Peruvian men.
She and Carlo have become dear friends of mine over the years whilst living here in Lima; so it was my distinct honor to watch and photograph these two getting wed in Mexico a few weeks ago! - yes it was amazing, and yes I will post those pictures here soon.
For now, I'd like to share some of my favorite shots from a random (and I do mean RANDOM) and variety-filled fun day in Barranco, Lima, Peru during our Engagement Session last month.
Carlo was more excited about featuring his vintage Mercedes Benz in the shoot than anything, which was fine by me considering how fresh his ride is!
Check it out...
Riva, like many of our gringa friends and I, moved to Peru several years ago in search of a new life. And just like all of us, we found love unexpectedly with Peruvian men.
She and Carlo have become dear friends of mine over the years whilst living here in Lima; so it was my distinct honor to watch and photograph these two getting wed in Mexico a few weeks ago! - yes it was amazing, and yes I will post those pictures here soon.
For now, I'd like to share some of my favorite shots from a random (and I do mean RANDOM) and variety-filled fun day in Barranco, Lima, Peru during our Engagement Session last month.
Carlo was more excited about featuring his vintage Mercedes Benz in the shoot than anything, which was fine by me considering how fresh his ride is!
Check it out...
Dicen que cuando sales de tu zona de confort, te encuentras a ti mismo ... y a veces, alguien más te encuentra también.
Riva, como muchas de nuestras amigas gringas y yo, nos mudamos a Perú hace varios años en busca de una nueva vida. Y al igual que todos nosotros, encontramos amor inesperadamente con hombres peruanos.
Ella y Carlo se han convertido en mis queridos amigos a lo largo de mis años viviendo aquí en Lima; Así que fue mi distinto honor ver y fotografiar a estos dos casarse hace unas semanas atrás en México! - Sí, fue increíble, y sí, voy a publicar esas fotos aquí pronto.
Por ahora, me gustaría compartir algunas de mis fotos favoritas de un día divertida, sumamente 'Random' y llena de variedad en Barranco, Lima, Perú durante nuestra sesión de compromiso el mes pasado.
Carlo estaba más emocionado de incluir a su Mercedes Benz vintage en la sesión que cualquier cosa, lo que estaba bien por mí teniendo en cuenta lo hermoso que es su coche!
Echale un vistazo...


And then it was time for a lil bit of classiness to end the evening...
Stay tuned for their Mexican wedding photos!
Estén atentos para sus fotos de su boda en Cuernavaca, Mexico!
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