Barranco, Lima, Peru Wedding Photography | Amara & Ricardo

Over the years, I watched as Amara blossomed with confidence while learning salsa with Ricardo and growing more in love with him. Side note: gringa can DANCE!
For several months, they tried to play it off that they were "just friends," but the way Amara would glow whenever they were together was undeniable. They were completely smitten with one another.
It was a beautiful honor and especially sentimental for me to document their wedding day. To fight back the tears as they said their vows and still get a good shot proved to be a fun challenge. I will never forget it.
Amara & Ricardo, I am so grateful for this opportunity and the trust you placed in me and my team to record these wonderful moments for you and your families - who I absolutely adore! We had such a blast that day. You are a wonderful pair and I can't wait to see what the future brings you both. 'Til we meet again and exchange some laughs and new memories... Mucho amor, BB xoxo
Conocí a Ricardo y Amara durante mi primer año en Lima hace cinco años atrás. Amara era practicante en una ONG donde yo estaba trabajando en como fotoperiodista y Ricardo enseñaba salsa a los voluntarios de los EE.UU. y Canadá.
Con los años, vi como Amara floreció con confianza mientras aprendía salsa con Ricardo y cada vez se enamoraban más. Por si acaso - esta gringa puede BAILAR!
Desde hace varios meses, trataron de jugar la que eran "sólo amigos", pero la forma en que Amara se iluminaba cada vez que estaban juntos fue innegable. Se le caía la baba el uno al otro y todos nos dimos cuenta eventualmente.
Fue un gran honor, y sobre todo sentimental para mí, documentar su día de boda. Fue un reto divertido luchar contra las lágrimas cuando decían sus votos y aún así obtener buenas fotos... lo disfruté mucho.
Amara y Ricardo,
Estoy muy agradecida por la oportunidad y la confianza puesta en mí y mi equipo para registrar estos momentos maravillosos para usted y sus familias - que me cayeron súper! Lo pasamos increíble ese día. Eres una pareja maravillosa y no puedo esperar para ver lo que el futuro traerá para los dos. Hasta que nos encontremos de nuevo para intercambiar risas y nuevos recuerdos...
Mucho amor, xoxo BB
Estoy muy agradecida por la oportunidad y la confianza puesta en mí y mi equipo para registrar estos momentos maravillosos para usted y sus familias - que me cayeron súper! Lo pasamos increíble ese día. Eres una pareja maravillosa y no puedo esperar para ver lo que el futuro traerá para los dos. Hasta que nos encontremos de nuevo para intercambiar risas y nuevos recuerdos...
Mucho amor, xoxo BB
^ Amara, her mom and her sister are super tight. It was only natural I capture a shot of them getting pampered together to start off the day.
^ Laughing with friends who worked at this awesome salon, Alter Ego, and a reflection of my talented videographer, Juareis, and I in the background.
Amara had friends and family fly in from all over the Northern Hemisphere to come and walk down the aisle with her on her day. What a great excuse to see llama land!
^ Sometimes I need a hand when setting up the dress shot. ;)
^ Those shoes, though!

^ The groom back at his family's home gettin' ready...
Ricardo's grandfather was his Best Man. <3
I later told him that I never had a chance to meet either of my grandfathers and he told me that he could be my abuelito, too. My heart swelled.
I later told him that I never had a chance to meet either of my grandfathers and he told me that he could be my abuelito, too. My heart swelled.
^ Meanwhile, shots of pisco were happening at the Doig residence.
And then it was time for a lot of happy tears.
With a cool breeze and as the sun was setting behind us over the ocean, Ricardo and Amara exchanged their vows in both English and Spanish.

^ Like I said, glowing.
Then is was time for a an after-ceremony photo sesh before heading over to the reception...

^ Sometimes things get weird. But they make for great memories!
Ricardo's Chubaca cake was epic!

A gorgeous Andean touch added to the dress and it was time for the festivities to begin...
^ I would've loved to have a picture like this with my cousins when we were little.
Mother-Son dance was a tear jerker.
Hora Loca !
^ A selfie was in order.
^ Yeah that's me doin' the Travolta with the bride's dad. :-)
Peruvian ring pull! Winner gets married next - no bouquet toss needed.
Keepin' it weird.
If you would like to find out more about booking with Bravo Image Weddings, shoot me an email ( or visit our FB Page for more info and news at
Thanks for stoppin' by!
Photographers: Brenda Bravo & Janice Smith-Palliser
Event Coordinator: Denisse Anorga
Hair/Makeup Salon: Alter Ego
Florist: Solei Diseños
Catering and Design: Sylvia Dalmau
Cake: Love Art Chocolat
Photographers: Brenda Bravo & Janice Smith-Palliser
Event Coordinator: Denisse Anorga
Hair/Makeup Salon: Alter Ego
Florist: Solei Diseños
Catering and Design: Sylvia Dalmau
Cake: Love Art Chocolat
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