Cieneguilla Sesión Pre Boda/ E-Session: Amara & Ricardo

En español abajo.
One of my greatest joys is photographing couples who I've watched grow in love. Especially when they have a great sense of humor, like these two.I met Amara some four years ago when we worked together at a non-profit in Lima. She barely spoke Spanish and had two left feet when it came to dancing Salsa. She was the quintessential American Southern Girl finding her place in this chaotic city - bright-eyed, naive and altogether an adorable being.
Ricardo was already a friend to many gringos I had met through said non-profit, and he happened to be a salsa instructor as well. I remember the first night we went out to Help!, a popular dance club for 20-somethings in Barranco, he twirled me round and round the dance floor. I was impressed to say the least, and he was always a fun guy to be around.
I don't think any of our friends would've imagined these two ending up together around that time. But sure enough, they totally mesh! And after two years of dating, Amara is now a bonafide Gringa Criolla, speaking all kinds of Spanish and can dance me under the table when it comes to Salsa - and I can hold my own, just sayin'!
They're getting hitched next April and it's such a wonderful treat and honor to be able to document their love story. For their engagement session, they decided to have photos done in one of Amara's favorite places to be - a horse stable in Cieneguilla (about a half hour from the city) where she rides and teaches younger kids a few times a week.
Thanks for an awesome session, you two - we had a blast. It's really lovely to see what a great fit you are for each other and I can't wait for April! Good luck back in the States! xoxo- B :)
Frankie is their adorable pooch, he's the sweetest!
Good times with props laying around...
Not a metaphor or anything...
And then the gloves came on...
Such a fun couple! I love doing things out of the norm.

Uno de mis mayores alegrías de la vida es fotografiar a parejas que he visto crecer en el amor.
Conocí a Amara hace cuatro años, cuando trabajamos juntos en una ONG en Lima. Ella apenas hablaba español y tenía dos pies izquierdos a la hora de bailar Salsa. Era la quintaesencia de una Gringa del Sur encontrando su lugar en esta caótica ciudad - ingenua y un ser adorable.
Ricardo ya era amigo de muchos gringos que había conocido a través de dicho ONG, y era un instructor de salsa también. Recuerdo la primera noche que salimos a Help!, una discoteca popular en Barranco, me hizo girar vueltas y vueltas en la pista de baile. Me quedé impresionada y él era siempre un amor conmigo.
Ninguno de nuestros amigos hubiera imaginado los dos juntándose en esa época. Pero, efectivamente, son una linda pareja! Y después de noviazgo, Amara es toda una Gringa Criolla, hablando jergas y bailando salsa como una Latina propia.
Ahora que casen el próximo abril y es un honor maravilloso poder documentar su historia de amor. Por su sesión de compromiso, decidieron tener fotos en uno de los lugares favoritos de Amara - un estable de caballos en Cieneguilla (a media hora de la ciudad), donde monta y enseña a niños un par de veces a la semana.
Tuvimos una gran tarde haciendo fotos románticas como muy divertidas y locas.
Gracias por todo, chicos! - B
Fotografía por Brenda Bravo y Neuf K.
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