Boda Hacienda Tres Cañas, Pachacamác, Lima - Perú | Milagros & Thibaud
My first encounter with this adorable Peruvian-French pair was via Skype, with terrible reception.
They were in Congo, Africa, where they've lived now for the past two years. Thibaud's career took them there, and Milagros happily followed to begin their life together.
The two met in Lima through some mutual friends and began dating rather quickly. He spent more time with her on that brief trip than with his own friends. He was enraptured by her, and he knew he would have to come back.
And so he did, many times, and the distance only made their love grow stronger.
"There was not a single day that we wouldn't write one another and look like seriously crazy people staring at the computer smiling!"
Nearly two years of long distance and many exhausting visits from Qatar to France and then to Peru, Thibaud finally asked for her hand in 2013 at the beautiful Refuge Viñak in Peru.
When it came time to to plan their Peruvian wedding, I was the first vendor they contacted.
"We didn't even know where we would celebrate the day but the photographer was already a sure thing!"
They were in Congo, Africa, where they've lived now for the past two years. Thibaud's career took them there, and Milagros happily followed to begin their life together.
The two met in Lima through some mutual friends and began dating rather quickly. He spent more time with her on that brief trip than with his own friends. He was enraptured by her, and he knew he would have to come back.
And so he did, many times, and the distance only made their love grow stronger.
"There was not a single day that we wouldn't write one another and look like seriously crazy people staring at the computer smiling!"
Nearly two years of long distance and many exhausting visits from Qatar to France and then to Peru, Thibaud finally asked for her hand in 2013 at the beautiful Refuge Viñak in Peru.
When it came time to to plan their Peruvian wedding, I was the first vendor they contacted.
"We didn't even know where we would celebrate the day but the photographer was already a sure thing!"
Milagros & Thibaud,
Thank you for your warmth and kindness in the short amount of time we met in person. Even from thousands of miles away, you decided to trust in me to document this awesome day for you and I'm so grateful for that!
Hannah and I had a blast with your families, we'll never forget it. Hope to meet again someday soon... can't wait see what the future holds for you both.
With love, B
Mi primer encuentro con esta pareja peruana-francesa fue a través de Skype, con una terrible conexión de por medio.
Estaban en el Congo, África, donde han vivido durante los últimos dos años. La carrera de Thibaud los llevó allí, y Milagros estaba feliz de seguirlo para empezar una nueva vida juntos.
Los dos se conocieron en Lima a través de unos amigos en común y empezaron su noviazgo inmediatamente. Thibu pasó más tiempo con ella en ese breve viaje que con sus propios amigos. Estaba embelesado por ella, y sabía que tendría que volver pronto a Peru.
Y así lo hizo muchas veces, y la distancia sólo hizo que su amor creciera más y más fuerte.
"No había día que no nos escribiéramos y en serio parecíamos locos sonriendo a la computadora!"
Estuvieron casi dos años así de larga distancia, pero con muchas visitas agotadores para Thibaud desde Qatar a Francia y de ahi a Perú.
"No había día que no nos escribiéramos y en serio parecíamos locos sonriendo a la computadora!"
Estuvieron casi dos años así de larga distancia, pero con muchas visitas agotadores para Thibaud desde Qatar a Francia y de ahi a Perú.
Finalmente, Thibaud le pidió la mano en el año 2013 en el bello Refugio de Viñak en Perú y cuando llegó la hora de planificar su boda en Lima, yo fue la primera a quien contactaron.
"Ni siquiera sabíamos donde lo celebraríamos pero la fotógrafa ya estaba segura!"
"Ni siquiera sabíamos donde lo celebraríamos pero la fotógrafa ya estaba segura!"
Milagros y Thibaud,
Gracias por su calidez y amabilidad pese al corto período de tiempo en que nos conocimos. A través de miles de millas de distancia, decidieron confiar en mí para documentar este día increíble para ustedes y estoy muy agradecida por eso!
Hannah y yo lo pasamos genial con sus familias, nunca lo olvidaremos. Espero poder verlos de nuevo algún día pronto ... estoy emocionada para ver qué les depara el futuro para los dos.
Con cariño, B
Wedding day jitters are not reserved only for brides and mother-in-laws-to-be. This flower girl had a bad case of stage fright. She got over it quickly though.
I love it when my couples opt in for the First Look!
^ That look from Dad get me every time.
^ Passing out hats to the guests to avoid the heat was a fabulous idea.
Totally merited a selfie.
Totally merited a selfie.
The struggle against the summer sun was real.
Such a gorgeous place to get married!
This is a traditional Peruvian Paso horse show, complete with Marinera... Check out this link to see a great example of this folkloric Peruvian custom:
^ Loved this idea: Everyone signs a Jenga piece - you get a fun game and great memories each time you play!
^ The Frenchies were stoked to be in Peru for such an occasion.
^ The toast of all toasts.
^ Traditional Comida Criolla - soooo good!

^ Milagros spent months collecting corks for their table settings and made the "cholito" pins personally for her guests. She made every detail with so much love and it really added to the authencity of it all.
My awesomely rad assistant, Hannah <3
Thanks for everything, you seriously are the best.
Thanks for everything, you seriously are the best.
A Peruvian affair done right.
Thanks for stopping by!
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